Via Jerry Novick / -
It is a sad day for America. So sad that I find myself sitting among shattered hopes and broken dreams. It will take me a while to recover my fire… for I have just witnessedthe flame of America grown hauntingly dim.
To say that this nation was founded on Judeo-Christian principles would be an understatement. Our very Declaration of Independence begins with an acknowledgement of our Creator. Christian men and women fought to forge this country. And they enshrined the most basic of rights – religious freedom – within the very Constitution that is meant to guard this land. That is why Protestants, Jews, Catholics, Deists, and unbelievers flocked here. But even with their different visions of God, they shared one thing – a deep sense of right and wrong that transcended personal preference.
Unfortunately, this nation founded on the blessings of God has now impolitely pushed His hand off of our collective shoulder. We’ve lost our sense of a higher right and wrong. And the Constitution is swiftly becoming worth less than the paper it is written on.
And with that, we are no longer One nation under God… We are now divided into two groups: those who believe in the blessings of our Creator, and those who believe in the progressive will of the elite.
So what terrible events have ripped this nation asunder? Did it occur overnight? Well, yes, mostly it did occur overnight, though some of the seeds were planted scant decades ago.
The first seed was Roe v Wade. In a split decision, the US Supreme Court enshrined a make-believe right over the mandate to show compassion to the most innocent among us – the unborn. We have been living with the trauma of that anti-Solomon-like wisdom for 40 years. And in that time, while good souls have fought to protect the innocents in the womb, politicians, activists, and profiteers have dug in their heels on the road of death. Then on June 26, an unruly mob made it impossible to sign a majority-supported bill in the Texas Senate to outlaw killing unborn children after 20 weeks spent in their mother’s womb. Democracy and the rule of law died that night alongside the babies who would be denied the right to breath the air of freedom. Millions of babies sacrificed on the alter of “the right to choose.”
June 26, 2013 may well replace December 7, 1941 as the day that will live in infamy. On that day, the Supreme Court of the United States told God to get out of townin two 5-4 decisions that open the gateway to enshrining homosexual marriage in America. The Defense of Marriage Act was struck down at its core with the ruling that the Federal government, devoid of its own specific allowance for Homosexual Marriage, must still recognize the homosexual marriages allowed by the states. And as salt to that wound, they sent back to California a ruling by their circuit court that struck down a duly voted on law by the state’s people to keep homosexual marriage out of their town halls, churches, and borders.
But what is one to expect from a country that refuses to protect its real borders. The holy border of matrimony and the holy border of life are nothing to the trampling feet of backwards-facing progress.
And thus, this is how America goes marching past Sodom and Gomorrah. Not with shame, sadness, and dishonor, but with trumpets blowing as we spit in God’s face and tell Him to forget His blessing.